刘峰 博士
2022.09-至今 讲师,8858cc永利官网,材料科学与器件研究院,8858cc永利官网
主要研究兴趣为先进碳基纳米材料的制备及其能源催化应用,能源转换与储存技术(包括燃料电池、金属-空气电池、集成器件等各类电化学催化器件)。迄今以第一作者/共同一作在Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Small, Chemical Engineering Journal等期刊上发表论文6篇。参与科研项目3项,包括国家重点研发计划项目一项,河北省自然科学基金项目一项,北京化工大学一流学科团队建设项目一项。
1. Feng Liu, Lei Shi, Xuanni Lin, et al. Site-Density Engineering of Single-Atomic Iron Catalysts for High-Performance Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 302, 120860. (SCI, TOP, 一区, IF=24.319)
2. Feng Liu, Lei Shi, Shaofeng Song, et al. Simultaneously Engineering the Coordination Environment and Pore Architecture of Metal-Organic Framework Derived Single Atomic Iron Catalysts for Ultraefficient Oxygen Reduction. Small, 2021, 17, 2102425. (SCI, TOP, 一区, IF=15.153)
3. Yingchun Guo1, Feng Liu1, Lei Feng, et al. Single Co Atoms Anchored on Nitrogen-doped Hierarchically Ordered Porous Carbon for Selective Hydrogenation of Quinolines and Efficient Oxygen Reduction. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 429, 132150. (共同一作, SCI, TOP, 一区, IF=16.744)
4. Bowen Liu1, Feng Liu1, Dongshuang Lu, et al. Metal-Organic Framework Assembly Derived Hierarchically Ordered Porous Carbon for Oxygen Reduction in Both Alkaline and Acidic Media. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 430, 132762. (共同一作, SCI, TOP, 一区, IF=16.744)
5. Feng Liu, Guodong Liu. Enhancement of UV-aging Resistance of UV-curable Polyurethane Acrylate Coatings viaIncorporation of Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers-functionalized TiO2-SiO2 Nanoparticles. Journal of Polymer Research, 2018, 25, 59. (SCI, 三区, IF=3.061)
6. Feng Liu, Guodong Liu. TiO2-SiO2 Composite Nanoparticles Containing Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers Encapsulated by MMA-PMPM Copolymers. Iranian Polymer Journal, 2017, 26, 785-795. (SCI, 四区, IF=2.485)
7. Ruru Li, Feng Liu, Yihao Zhang, et al. Nitrogen, Sulfur Co-Doped Hierarchically Porous Carbon as a Metal-Free Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction and Carbon Dioxide Reduction Reaction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 44578-44587. (SCI, TOP, 一区, IF=10.383)
8. Lei Shi, Xuanni Lin, Feng Liu, et al. Geometrically Deformed Iron-Based Single-Atom Catalysts for High- Performance Acidic Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. ACS Catalysis, 2022, 12, 5397-5406. (SCI, TOP, 一区, IF=13.7)
9. Xuanni Lin, Lei Shi, Feng Liu, et al. Large-scale Production of Holey Carbon Nanosheets Implanted with Atomically Dispersed Fe Sites for Boosting Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysis. Nano Research, 2022, 15, 1926-1933. (SCI, TOP, 一区, IF=10.269)
10. Guodong Liu, Jianpeng Wu, Feng Liu, et al. A Two Time Scale Relaxation Model and Its Application to Enthalpy Relaxation of Glassy Polystyrene. Polymer Science Series A, 2019, 61, 701-709. (SCI, 四区, IF=1.382)
1. 刘栋,刘峰,张利鹏。通过聚合物-金属配合物辅助碳化MOF技术制备催化剂的方法及所得催化剂。中国专利,2021。(申请公布号:CN 113690452 A)